samedi 18 janvier 2014

Olympia on the ball (5eme/Groupe1)

Title: Olympia on the ball

Author: Shoo Rayner

Genre :Adventure/ Sport.

The adventure takes place in the ancient Greece.

 It’s the story of a child, Olly, who works on his dad’s gymnasium. The children are big Episkyros’ fans. Episkyros is not an Olympic sport. It was played to create good team spirit among athletes

Olly finds an old ball he fixes it. He organises a game of Episkros. He takes his sister in his team against Spiro’s team. Spiro is helping at the gymnasium he’s Olly’s enemy! Who win the match?

Personal opinion:

I chose this book because I like Olympic game.

I enjoyed because the Episkyros reminds me football.

I would recommend this book to readers who likes antic an sports

Level :
it’s easy to read

Rating : 2/5
