Title: The Alchemist, The secrets of the
immortal Nicholas Flamel. (Series)
Author: Michael Scott
Genre: Fantasy
Book summary:
was in a bookshop that a twin meets a young lady and a young man called
Nicholas Flamel. They suddenly get muddled up with an ancient prophecy which
had been written by Abraham the mage. They find out that myths become reality
and those Nicholas is 700 years old. The children of the prophecy will now loot
against unknown creatures of the dark ages and face the greatest mages,
sorcerers and gods. While they flee throughout the world from the Dark Elders
the twins Sophie and Josh Newman learn to manipulate great power. They are the
fate of Earth, for its destruction and for the survival of mankind.
This book is easy to
read and understand but might not catch the reader at the very beginning.
Rating: 4/5