lundi 9 juin 2014


Les résultats nationaux du "Prix des Incorruptibles" sont parus. Le livre élu pour la sélection CM2/6ème est :

avec 13846 voix sur 60618 votes.

Les élèves de CM2 et 6ème du CFBL avaient quant à eux voté en avril et élu le livre "Encore heureux qu'il ait fait beau" de Florence Thinard, avec 9 voix sur 19.

"Azami, le coeur en deux" était arrivé 2ème ex-aequo avec "Ma mère est un gorille" de Frida Nilsson, 7 voix chacun.

Les livres du défi lecture

Au 3ème trimestre les élèves de l'accompagnement personnalisé CDI participent à un défi lecture avec les CM2.

Deux équipes ont été constituées en 6ème et au CM2, l'équipe ROUGE et l'équipe VERTE. Les deux équipes mesureront leurs connaissances sur les livres le jeudi 26 juin lors d'une rencontre au CDI.

Des questions seront posées à l'oral sur tous les livres du défi. Bonne chance aux deux équipes !

Voici la liste des romans, contes, albums et bande-dessinées sélectionnés :

Contes :
-    « Yeghvala la belle sorcière » de C. Gendrin
-     «Histoires comme ça, La naissance de l’alphabet » de R. Kipling
-     « L'intrépide soldat de plomb » de H.C.Andersen
-      «Petites histoires des expressions de la mythologie : Etre médusé » de B. Heller

Romans :
-          « 35 kg d’espoir » de A. Gavalda
-          « Un hanneton dans le plafond de M. Pouchain
-          « Œdipe schlac ! schlac ! » de S. Dieuaide
-          « La rencontre »  de A.W. Eckert
-          « SOS Ange gardien » de V. Delamare Bellego
-          «Tanuk le Maudit » de J.Y. Loude

Bande-dessinées/ Manga :
-          « Bécassine pendant la grande guerre »  de Caumery
-          « La vie sans portable » de Gep
-          « One Piece T.1 » de E. Oda
-          « Asterix chez les Pictes » de J.Y. Ferri

Albums :
-          « La Rédaction » de  A. Skarmeta
-          « Le collectionneur d’instants » de Q. Buchholz
-          « Le cochon à l’oreille coupée » de J.L. Fromental
-          « Les derniers géants » de F. Place

Concours "écrire la suite de SOS Ange gardien"

Un concours a été proposé aux élèves qui ont pu faire marcher leur imagination pour inventer la suite des 1ers chapitres de "SOS Ange gardien".

Voici les deux textes gagnants :

De Alice :

Un ange gardien qui m’aiderait à faire mes  devoirs  pour enfin avoir des bonnes notes et  plaire à Lola. Lola c’est la plus belle fille de l’école . Depuis la 6ème je suis amoureux d’elle, elle a les yeux chatains, les cheveux blonds et une pairs de lunettes noires comme celles des intellos disent mes copains.

Moi je trouve que ça lui va bien.Tout les matins en allant à l’école je pense à elle.
“Salut titi ,salut yoyo,salut ferrarie,salut kiki “dis-je en leur tapant l’épaule et en leur gratouillant le dos (c’est notre "cheque" à nous on l’a inventé).
Mais amis ils ont de noms bizarres :
Titi-valentin car une fois on a entendu sa mere qui l'appelait comme ça et maintenant on l’a copié.
Yoyo-joseph car le premier mot qu’il a dit lorsque on c’est rencontré en CP c’était “Yo”.
Ferrarie-alex parce que il ronfle en dormant.
Kiki-kim car un jour la prof a beuglé sur son nom car elle était énervée et elle a dit “ki ….ki…” tout le monde était pété de rire sauf lui.
Et bien sûr y a le nouveau : Jean-Claude. Lui, on lui a pas change son nom, on le trouve marrant. Le pire c’est que vous allez même pas croire comment il vient à l’ecole : en limousine, il a son propre chauffeur, sa chambre fait la taille de de mon appart et apparemment il m’a dit que pour son anniv il a reçu un cheval, un aquarium de 30 mètres carrés ,des piranhas ,un bébé crocodile et un bébé lion. Moi j’y crois pas, il dit juste ça pour frimer.

En sortant pour la recreation une voix m’appela :
“psst …je crois que je peux t’aider “
“qui est-ce?”demandais-je .
“ton ange gardien bien sûr, tu ne te souviens pas ? Je vais t’aider a avoir de bonnes notes et à plaire à cette LOLA !!!”
Bon començons par le commencemant je m’appelle Séverine, j’ai 23 ans et je suis mariée et j’ai une bébé ….”dit-elle avant qu’elle sois interomppu par moi-même .
“On dit “un”bébé ,dis-je avec un ton affirmatif .
Alors elle me chuchota une sorte de chanson magique dans l’oreille .

La cloche sonna.
Il fallait rentait en classe .Et c’est alors que je vis mon rêve se realiser : en classe, la prof nous avait preparé une éval surprise(comme d’habitude) et lorsque je lisais la question la réponse s’affichait sur le tableau et bien sûr j’étais le seul à la voir.
Le lendemain, quand la prof a rendu les contrôles elle a dit :
Et le seul 20\20 était celui de KéVIN.

J’était trop content. Bien sûr tout le monde était jaloux, surtout Jean-Claude!!
A la sortie Lola est venue vers moi et m’a dit bravo et m’a donné un petit Coeur colorié en rouge .C’est le début d’une toute nouvelle histoire...

 De Jérémie :

Arrivé au collège c’est la même rengaine: tout les lundis on commence  avec Maths. Comme moi, plein de monde déteste cette matière…je m’ennuyais quand soudain la maitresse annonça : <<Apprenez bien votre leçon lundi test sur les fractions !!>> Oh non, en plus je comprends jamais rien à ces fractions. Le soir chez moi je me mis a réviser mais plus j’y passait du temps plus je n’y comprenait rien. Soudain je me dit que ça ne servirait à rien que je réussisse ce test car il ne remonterais pas ma basse moyenne de 7,6/20. J’allais me coucher quand j’entendis un petit bruit, un petit : <<Non révise ta leçon….>>
Le lundi suivant
<<Bon aujourd’hui c’est le test comme vous le savez. J’espère que vous avez révisé la leçon car l’evaluation va essentiellement porter dessus! Je vais chercher les copies. >> dit la maitresse d’un ton évident. Bon pour moi se sera simple j’aurais 0. Mais quand la maitresse revint l’expression de son visage indiquait clairement que quelle que chose clochait. <<L’imprimante ne marche pas et le test est reporté a lundi prochain.
_Hourra!!>> criaient les enfants tous réjouis par cette nouvelle.

Le week_end suivant
<<Chéri tu es sûr de ne pas avoir de test lundi ? me demanda ma mere
_Non maman, ne t’inquiète pas>>
Mais le soir Kevin fit un drôle de rêve. Il rêva d’un ange gardien et d’un 20/20 en math. Le lendemain matin Kevin qui avait passé une bonne nuit vit dans sa chambre assise au bout de son lit une fée qui lui dit: << Alors mon petit Kévin il parait qu’on a besoin d’un ange gardien et d’un 20/20 en math n’est ce pas?
Oui mais qui etes vous ?
La personne qu’il te faut pour avoir cette excellente note! Es-tu prêt pour la revision de ta vie!!>>
Et il passèrent le restant de la journée à reviser pour ce fichu contrôle de math.

Le lundi du contrôle
<<Je vais distribuer le contrôle.>> dit la maitresse
A la fin du crontrôle kevin était plutôt confiant et le lendemain:
<<Kevin BRAVO 20/20 c’est une grande première!>>
Et c’est ainsi que Kévin, grâce à cet ange a obtenu une moyenne respectable de 17.5/20 !


mercredi 21 mai 2014

Looking for Alaska (4ème/Groupe 2)

Title : Looking for Alaska

Author: John Green

Genre: Romantic and tragic

Miles Halter is a shy teenager who transfers to Culver Creek Boarding School, in search of the “Great Perhaps”.  His roommate Chip “the Colonel” Martin takes Miles under his wing, nicknames him Pudge, and introduces him to smoking, drinking, pranks, and Alaska Young.  Alaska is beautiful, witty, moody, and self-destructive girl , and Pudge is fascinated with her.  When some of the weekday warriors drag Pudge out of his bed, mummify him in duct tape and throw him in the lake, the Colonel vows to have revenge.  The weekday warriors dunked Pudge because they believe that the Colonel ratted out Paul and Marya, two students who were expelled the previous year for drinking, smoking and other things. I don’t want to ruin anything for you readers. Enjoy reading this book!

Personal Opinion:
What I really liked about this book is that there were some parts which I was not expecting. It did eventually have some twists and turns. I really like it for another reason, for learning about the experiences of students going to a boarding school.

I recommend this book to people who like sad and moving stories.

Level:  4eme and over.

I rate this book 5 stars because it is just amazing and John Green is just an amazing writer.

Sonia, 4ème

vendredi 16 mai 2014

Décollage immédiat

Décollage Immédiat de Fabien Clavel     

Lana Blum, une jeune lycéenne, rentre à sa maison quand le téléphone retentit. Sa mère à l'appareil lui crie de quitter la maison. Mais un homme a déjà ouvert la porte de l'appartement...

Un très bon livre, qui commence dans l'action !
Une super affaire pour Lana, qui essaye de retrouver sa mère.


Je conseille ce livre aux lecteurs impatients d'action et aux amateurs de livres policiers.

Ma note pour ce livre : 5/5

Percy Jackson, the titan’s curse (4ème/Groupe2)

Title: Percy Jackson, the titan’s curse

Author:  Rick Riordan

Cover photo

Genre: fantasy and adventure

Blurb: Percy Jackson, a demigod, loses his best friend Annabeth, in a fight versus a manticora but he feels that she isn’t dead. She was saved from the manticora by Artemis and her huntress. As Percy wants to save Annabeth he goes to her rescue, but the adventure will lead them to a terrible titan. Will they survive and save the world or will they fail? All depends on our heroes.

I chose this book because I finished it in only 3 or 4 weeks because it’s a very interesting, frustrating and full of suspense. I’m not a fan of reading but this book really captivated me, I loved the way the author narrates the book, and it was very clear to imagine, every day you want to read more and more, you can’t stop!

I recommend this book and actually the whole collection: not very expensive, you can have it in a lot of languages and really it would be one of these books you are proud to have read. For those who like ancient gods,  mystical powers and all this stuff, this book is the perfect one.

Level: this book is for young people, but many adults reads it.

Rating: I would say five stars, it’s the best book I’ve ever read! Even if it is in English!


mardi 13 mai 2014

Kensuke's Kingdom (5ème/Groupe3)

Title: Kensuke’s Kingdom

Author: Michael Morpurgo

Genre: Adventure

Blurb:  Kensuke’s Kingdom is about a boy called Michael. His parents chose to sell all their things and buy a boat to sail around the world.
One night Michael falls into the water while his parents are sleeping. When he realises he is in the middle of the ocean floating on the football he bought in Brazil, he faints.
When he wakes up he has been washed up on a deserted island with his dog. He realises after a day that the island has another living human who then takes care of Michael.  He is called Kensuke.
If you want to know more about how Michael survives and tries to get home, read the book.

Why I chose this book:
I chose this book because there is a lot of action, adventure and drama.

I would recommend this book to readers who like survival guides and stories that happen at sea. I think that this book is good for girls and boys even for adults.

Level : you need to be a good reader in  English otherwise it will be quite hard.

Rating: 18 out of 20


12 Years a Slave (5ème/Groupe3)


Solomon Northup

GENRE: autobiography

The  narrative of Solomon Northup, citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington city in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River in Louisiana

Solomon Northup is a free black man who was kidnapped and sold into slavery. He then tried to survive and regain his freedom.

I chose the book because I found the film unbelievably AMAZING and wanted to know if the book was as good.

What I enjoyed the most about the book are the details that really make the reader feel how much Solomon suffered for 12 entire years.

I would recommend this book for all the people looking for the best book to read ever.

Level : The book is from the 19th Century, so the vocabulary is quite hard to understand.

Rating :

10/10   EPIC! 


Mr Stink (5ème/Groupe3)

Mr Stink

By David Williams

Genre: comedy

Blurb: There was a girl named Chloe who was 12 years old and felt extremely lonely.  There was this rather rusty man with an equally rusty dog who kept him company.  She often saw them sitting on a bench: this was Mr Stink and his dog Duchess. They were homeless and they stank quite a bit too.  One day Chloe took all her courage and went to talk to Mr Stink and even invited him to come with his dog to live at her house.  The only problem was that Chloe’s parents would never accept a homeless stranger in their house so Chloe made Mr Stink sleep in the shed in the corner of the garden.  After several days, Mr Stink and Duchess went in the house to meet Chloe’s parents but unfortunately, Chloe’s mother did not receive him very well but her dad felt sorry for him and let Mr Stink stay a few more days but, unexpectedly, Mr Stink did not want to stay long because he was a wanderer and not a man who would live in a shed all his life.

I chose this book because I read another book by the same author, before, Millionaire Boy, and I loved it. 

What I enjoyed about this book is that it is hilarious but with a  serious message of love, friendship and tolerance, too. 

I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in reading a page-turner!

Level: 9 years old and above

Rating: 9/10 at least!!


5eme c

Cherub : The Recruit (5ème/Groupe3)

Title: Cherub   The Recruit

Author: Robert Muchamore

Genre: Action and adventure

Blurb: A terrorist doesn’t let strangers in her flat because they might be undercover police or intelligence agents, but her children bring their mates home and they run all over the place.
The terrorist doesn’t know that a kid has bugged every room in her house, cloned the hard drive on her PC, and copied all the numbers in her phone book. The kid works for CHERUB.

CHERUB is not James Bond. There are no master criminals or high-tech gadgets. CHERUB kids live in the real world. They slip under adult radar and get information that sends criminals and terrorists to jail.

I chose this book because it is amazingly detailed and well written. It has everything I could hope for.
What I enjoyed about the book : everything! But to give example: each chapter ends with a “cliff hanger” which makes you continue reading. Every chapter has its own story but all the stories are related.

I would recommend this book to people who like adventure and action novels. In fact the book is suitable for almost anyone because it is a really fun read and it is exciting. It keeps you on your toes. 

Level: Intermediate

Rating: 5/5


Cherry Crush (5ème/Groupe3)


Cathy Cassidy
Genre : girly/  romance

CHERRY. Dark almond eyes, skin the colour of milky coffee, wild imagination, feisty, fun . . .

Cherry Costello's life is about to change forever. She and Dad are moving to Somerset where a new mum and a bunch of brand-new sisters await. And on Cherry's first day there her head is turned by the gorgeous Shay Fletcher. But Shay already has a girlfriend, Cherry's new stepsister, Honey. Cherry knows her friendship with Shay is dangerous - it could destroy everything. But that doesn't mean she's going to stay away from him …

I chose this book because of the blurb that was really suspenseful. Also the cover was intriguing.

What I enjoyed the most in this book was the suspense. I read it in one night: I couldn’t stop! Also it is an easy book which you can read even if you are tired.

I would recommend this book to girls from the age of 10,  Also girls who like Romance.

Level :  easy book with every-day vocabulary.

I give it  :   4 stars or 17/20  because it is great but not exceptional or perfect.



The Hunger Games (5ème/Groupe3)

The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins.

Genre :  science fiction novel.

Every year each district of Panem sends a girl and a boy between the ages of 12-18 to the Capitol. At the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen, not being able to see her sister, Primrose, die, volunteers to take her place in the Games. She goes along with Peeta, a baker’s son.
Together, they go to the Capitol with their coaches Hymitch and Effie. They meet their stylist Cinna, along with the crew. They are since known as the Star Crossed lovers and cannot bear to kill each other...
Why I chose this book:
I chose this book because everyone who had read it, was recommending it saying how much they had loved it and it was also the next big thing.

What I enjoyed about the book:
I loved the book because there was always suspense and action, there were also no dull parts.

I would recommend this book:
 to anybody who likes science fiction novels.

Maybe for more experienced reader (12-13 yrs and over).

I am going to give this book 5 stars because it’s the best and favourite book I’ve read so far. 


The Devil's Triangle (5ème/Groupe3)

The Devil’s Triangle

Mark Robson

Adventure book 

Sam and Niamh’s mother died or vanished when they were small, they do not how it happened and where it happened. Their dad, Matt, thinks that it has to do with the Bermuda Triangle so each year he goes back there to search for his wife. Sam gets bored and tired of his father’s obsession with finding his wife so he decides to “borrow” his dad’s boat and goes fishing with his mate Callum. What starts with a laugh soon turns into chaos. They are trapped in the Bermuda Triangle. It was now a question of survival. Will they be stuck forever?

What I like about the book:
I really like the book because I love adventure.
A great book, with a lot of description and atmospheric moments.

I would recommend this books to reader who are 9 to 13-year-old kids


I give this book a 8.5/10


Shadow (5ème/Groupe3)

Michael Morpurgo                                                                                      
Genre: realistic fiction

Blurb: Aman lived in Afghanistan in his cave in a small village called Bamiyan peacefully and was bored of being alone with his parents.
And one day, he found a dog, a springer spaniel, outside his cave. He decided to keep him and soon they became good companions.
But one day, some Taliban came to Bamiyan and killed Aman’s father and many other people. Aman and his mother decided that it was time to leave Bamiyan and take Shadow, their dog companion, with them.

I chose this particular book because I found the story very emotionally touching.

What I enjoyed about this book is the fact that it is very realistic and the story is told in a very elaborate way.

I recommend this book to people that enjoy emotional types of books, slightly cruel and grieving.

Rating: *****


Look Into My Eyes (5ème/Groupe3)

Look Into My Eyes (Ruby Redfort Series)

Author: Lauren Child

Genre: Adventure

Blurb: This is the story of a young girl who loves to crack codes and to be involved
dangerous, but fascinating, adventures. Since she was little she has kept notebooks with different odd things that have happened. Nobody, including her best friend Clancy Crew, the son of the president, knows about them. One day, she is recruited in a secret society that she can tell no one about, even her best friend.  Will she be able to resist the temptation to tell her friend?

What I enjoyed about this book:
This is a spectacular novel because all you want to do is keep on  reading until you finish unravelling the mystery.

Level: I think that this book is suitable for most people from nine to thirteen or fourteen depending on the level of English.

Rating: 4/5


The Curious incident of the dog in the night-time (5ème/Groupe3)

The Curious incident of the dog in the night-time

Mark Haddon

Detective story

This book is written in the first person and is about a 15 year-old-boy who has Asperger syndrome. His name is Christopher Boone and he lives with his dad: Ed Boone in Swindon. At the beginning of the book Christopher explains that his mother died 2 years before he wrote this book.
The book all kicks off when Christopher discovers the dog of his neighbour Mrs Shears speared by a garden fork and he is one of the suspects.
He then starts searching around for clues about who killed the dog although his father tells him to stay out of other people’s business.
He meets a lot of people while he is searching for clues including the old Mrs Alexander who tells him that his mum is not in fact dead but divorced because she had an affair with Mr Shears.
This is when Christopher starts to suspect his dad of suspicious behaviour and one day he has a slight argument which results in the confiscation of the book that Christopher's writing
When Christopher finds his book in his dad’s room he comes across some letters that his mum wrote to him well after her supposed death…

What I enjoyed about this book:  it was very inspiring.

I would recommend  this book to anyone who likes mystery in books.

I give this book a 5/5



lundi 12 mai 2014

The Help (4ème/Groupe2)


Author: Kathryn Stockett                                    

Genre: Historic Novel


The Help is set in Jackson, Mississipi and begins in August 1962. 

Miss Skeeter, a 20-year- old young woman, leaves Ole Miss University and comes back to her hometown, Jackson.
There, she discovers how racist her white ‘friends’ are towards their black maids.

Being racist was seen as normal at the time.

However, Miss Skeeter  went to university so she is more intelligent and respectful than her friends. She is disgusted by the situation and decides to write a book entitled « The Help » in order to make things change in her town.

I chose this book because I heard about the movie (inspired from the book).

What I enjoyed  about this book  is that I learned a few things thanks to it: I didn’t think that in the 60s (which are not that far away) there was still such discrimination in the USA! 

I would recommend it to readers who like learning about the past and to those who like beautiful friendship stories. 

This book is quite easy to read, I think anybody who has an intermediate to good level in English can read it.

Rating:  4/5

Camille B 4ème

Divergent (4ème/Groupe2)

Title: Divergent

Author: Veronica Roth

Genre: science fiction

Plot: Beatrice Prior is living in a future Chicago. Her society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to a different virtue:
Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent).
On day all sixteen-year-olds must select a faction in which they will live for the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is.
So, she finally makes a choice that surprises everyone.
During a really competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice calls herself Tris and tries to understand who her friends really are. And she is falling in love with a very peculiar boy.
But Tris also has a secret; one she's hiding from everyone because she knows it can mean death. And she understands that her secret could really change her life.

Why I chose this book
I wanted to read it before seeing the film, in order to compare both. Also I was recommended to read it by most of my friends who had either read the book or seen the film.

What I enjoyed about the book:
I think the book was really great. It is interesting to see how the society that we have today could change and turn into the one in Divergent.
I also really liked the way that Tris needs to make a tough choice but prefers to live her life rather than stay with her family and never live the life she was meant to live

I would recommend the book to everyone who enjoys reading because the book contains many subjects (even if the genre is mostly science fiction). And also it isn’t so hard to read and once you read the first two chapters you really are into the story and it’s almost impossible to stop reading.

Level : I think the book isn’t hard to read and anyway it is so captivating that you can understand it.

Rating : between four and four and a half.
