Title : The Phantom of the Opera
Author : Gaston Leroux
Genre : gothic, romance
Blurb : In 1880, a ghost is haunting the
Opera house in Paris. He is named the phantom of the Opera. He is in black
clothes and wears a mask to cover his yellow face. He has no nose and black
holes for his eyes. This ghost has provoked a lot of accidents and everybody is
afraid of him. Has anyone ever seen him ? Not until the phantom falls in love
with a young singer, named Christine. He will do everything to show his love,
even killing innocent people…
Will you
discover the mystery of the phantom of the Opera ?
opinion : I have
chosen this book because I read it before going to the musical for a better
comprehension. I like where the action was taking place. This book is
suspenseful. I would recommend this book to readers who like romantic and scary
books or fantasy books. It is the most mysterious book of this genre ever, and
the most poignantly written. There will never be such an unexpected twist. It
is more carefully crafted than the theatre piece.
Level : It is not a really hard book to
read. There are sometimes words which are difficult but otherwise it is really
simple to understand.
Name of the reviewer : Damien