Title: Da Vinci Code
Author: Dan Brown
Genre : Thriller
Blurb: During a business travel to Paris, a Harvard teacher
is being called and told the Louvre curator was murdered inside the most
visited museum of Paris. The police ask him to help them to resolve the case.
Unfortunately, he becomes the primary suspect… Will the police resolve the
museum’s mystery?
“The best Dan Brown’s book”.
Personal opinion: I think this book is as boring as a maths lesson. I
chose this book because I had seen a lot of interesting reviews about it.I did
not enjoy this book because it is the most tedious book I have ever read. I would not recommend this book to lazy
people because sometimes you just want to give up. Maybe some more courageous
people are going to enjoy reading this book.
Level: beginners should never try to read this book.
Rating: 3/5
and Arthur
Class/ English group: 3B gr2