Title: School for stars
Author: Holly and Kelly
Genre :It’s a girly story, But it is also an adventure book but a girl adventure book :)
Blurb: The book talks about
three girls: Molly, Maria and Pippa. Their passion is dancing . They are best
friends, you will feel the friendship, they
share everything together. So many things are going to happen to them this year… They'll meet a lovely dog and people... But do you think
everything is going to be perfect?
Personal opinion: I chose this book because
the book cover looked fun and the plot inspired me. Personally, I did not enjoy
this book I think it the most annoying girly
book I have ever read … But after,
everyone has their personal opinion, you
can think that this book is better than
I think. I didn’t enjoy it because it was very boring, normally I never read girly
books and now I know why ;) the book talks about girls, their life and their
problems but I think I am a bit too old to read this kind of books … I would recommend it for girls around 8-12 years
old, for girls who like girls’ stories,dancing and I wouldn’t recommend it for
girls who like adventure stories... And boys : Never read
this book !!
Level: The level is very easy,
everyone can read it even the beginners! It is the easiest
level on the ladder.
Rating: 5/5
First Name of the reviewer: Valentine
Class/ English group:4°/g1