mercredi 9 avril 2014

Raven Boy (4ème/Gr.1)

Title: Raven Boy                                                                                                                 

Author: Pippa Goodhart

Genre : Historical book

In 1666, the plague and the Great fire destroy London, and  king Charles II does nothing.
A young boy, named Nick Truelove blame the King for the death of both his parents and want to get his revenge. He will meet a very smart raven and become friend with it. You will see that the raven will help Nick to get his revenge and will be his best ally. They will both enter the biggest symbol of the king’s power: the Tower of London. Nick is braver than all his friends but against the King, will he manage to get his revenge ? And what will happen to this young boy and to the Raven ? I let you read the book to answer this questions...But London will never be the same after all this events...

Personal opinion:
This book is one of the most interesting books I’ve ever read because it combines a fantastic story with historical facts like the plague or the Great fire of London. The characters have all their own qualities and personalities.

 This book is a bit challenging because it is not long but not short, but the vocabulary is simple.

Rating: 5/5

First Name of the reviewer: Julien             
Class/ English group: 4° group 1