Title : The Curious Incident of the
Dog in Night Time
Author: Mark Haddon
Genre: Mystery, Adventure
night, Christopher, an autistic person, finds the dog Wellington dead.
Wellington is Christopher's neighbour’s, Ms Shears, dog. He had a pitchfork
hammered in his chest. So, Christopher decides to go search the murderer.
lives with his father because his mother is dead. But during his search for the
murderer, he finds letters written by her mother dated from after her death.
Now, Christopher has two mystery to solve:
killed Wellington?
his mother alive and if she is, why did she go away?
Personal opinion:
chose this book because the title was intriguing and attractive.
I enjoyed about this book is that it is an autistic person and not a detective
that tries to solve the mystery of the dead dog.
would recommend this book for patient readers who like mystery and adventure.
Level: This book is quite easy to read.
Rating: 4,5/5
Name of the reviewer: Brice
group: 5°C/group 2